U10’s girls football team smashes fundraising target with sponsored hike around Mam Tor
Picture shows the Lionesses and their families in a group photo at the top of Mam Tor hill

The Ridgeway Lionesses under-10’s football team raised a total of £1685 for Cancer Research UK and Alzheimer’s Society after completing a 10 mile hike starting in Castleton to Mam Tor in Derbyshire on Saturday 2nd March.

The Ridgeway Lionesses football club was founded by Paul Benison and his daughter Zara Benison three years ago after she wanted to continue playing football in a Girls-only team after playing in boys teams growing up. 

Starting with just one team from Ridgeway primary school, the club has now grown to 4 teams and has been playing in league for two years.

The team decided to raise money for Alzheimer’s society and Cancer Research UK as a few members of the team have been directly impacted by these diseases, including Paul Benison whose father has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and Alzheimers.

Club secretary and Team manager of the Under 10’s Paul Benison, said: “The sun was shining, couldn’t have hoped for a better day.”

Paul said that these causes are “really close to the team’s hearts”.

The hike was completed in five hours by 11 players and their families from the U-10’s lionesses team.

Lisa Millet, Cancer Research UK fundraising spokesperson for Sheffield, said: “Dedicated fundraisers like the Lionesses provide limitless inspiration for our scientists.”

Half of the money raised will be shared between the two charities and the other 50% will be used to enable the Ridgeway lionesses club to continue growing and providing a community for young female footballers to thrive.

This fundraiser will help cancer research UK to continue their work, striving to find new and better ways to fight cancer and allow Alzheimer’s society to provide the support needed, keeping people with dementia connected to their lives and loved ones.

Lisa said: “Nearly one in two of us will get cancer in our lifetime. But, all of us can support the research that will beat it. That’s why we want to say a heartfelt thank you to Ridgeway Lionesses for their commitment to the cause.”

The Lionesses have smashed their original target of raising £700 but there is still plenty of time to donate through their go fund me page https://gofund.me/34624fd4.