Skateboarders and surfers take on the House Skatepark in live music skate jam

Over one hundred surfers and skateboarders flocked to the House Skatepark, Sheffield for a night of live music and skateboarding jam.

The event started at 9pm on Wednesday night and closed off at 11:30pm with headlining band, Donny Brook to finish.

Skateboarders were invited to skate the park on Bardwell Road whilst the live bands performed.

Skatepark owner, Rob Bannister opened the Skatepark in 1998 with intentions to give the young people of Sheffield a place to hone their skills in a safe and protected environment.

Mr Bannister said: “They usually find us at about ten years-old and the beauty of it is they can be down here, and you know you are not going to get mugged or bullied.

“If you hurt yourself as you will inevitably do in skateboarding there will always be someone qualified to take care of it.”

Skateboarders of all ages and backgrounds utilise the House Skatepark’s facilities throughout the week as an escape from the day-to-day struggles of life.

Mr Bannister said: “It gives you a reason. You can still have all the daft times with all your friends without ending up doing something too silly.

“Kids aren’t getting bored anymore and resorting to the streets and vandalising.”

Data from the Tony Hawk Foundation found that 47 percent of police officers noticed a reduction in youth crime following the construction of a public skatepark.

The University of Sheffield also prioritises keeping the skateboarding buzz alive through societies and regular skateboarding events.

The Skateboarding Society meets every Wednesday at 1pm for a skateboarding session at the House Skatepark and a drink at the Gardener’s Rest pub after.

Through creating an environment for skateboarders alike to socialise and find enjoyment in the sport together, students are encouraged to make strong friendships and embrace new experiences.

The University continues to fund the skate and surf society to ensure its survival.

Students attending the University are encouraged to join societies through society fairs where stalls are set up to attract members and involvement.

Skateboarder, Dom performing a front 50-50 grind on a ledge during the House Skatepark jam.
Skateboarder, Dom performing a front 50-50 grind on a ledge.