Punk brand Atelier reveals plans to open a new store in Sheffield’s city centre

Atelier, the beloved punk clothing store renowned for its celebrity fans like Billie Eilish, is expanding from its current base in Leah’s Yard to a bigger store, in response to the brand’s recent growth.

Morgan Sidle, owner of the brand sells a unique range of clothes and accessories inspired by the ‘70s DIY punk era and hand  crafted by him.

He recently announced the brand will be closing its shop in Leah’s Yard and relocating to a larger premises on Earl Street, next to The Moor.

The brand offers one-of-a-kind pieces, in-store screen printing, and a vibrant creative community celebrating authentic style.

Mr Sidle explained why he has chosen to expand the business.

He said: “It’s long over due to be honest, we’ve had a good year, so this year I am going to throw everything at it.”

Atelier’s clothing has been worn by notable figures such as Billie Eilish and Fontaine’s D.C. guitarist Carlos O’Connell.

Mr Sidle has said his inspiration is ‘giving people a different option instead of going to H&M or Primark’.

He said: “A lot of people aren’t represented to that degree a lot of people deserve to wear something different.”

Each item of clothing in his store is crafted by him with a focus on sustainability and originality as he utilises preloved items to create his products.

When asked what his dream for the next 10 years would be he said: “A doc Martens collaboration or a runway at Paris fashion week.”