A homeless charity in Sheffield has appealed for anyone who can donate time, food or money to support its work in the city.
The Archer Project provides support with homelessness, mental wellbeing, physical health, housing as well as helping people into work.
Talya Stitcher, the Communications & Fundraising Officer for The Archer Project, said: “We are not government funded so everything that we have comes from our supporters – the backbone of our project.

“The cost of living crisis has seen a significant increase in our numbers. The donations mean even more, now than ever, since the spending power is down.
“We have had to reduce the number of days that we serve meat, if we get a donation with meat it creates a buzz.”
The project was started in 1990, from a tea and toast service to a distinct organisation, The Archer Project, which is now a thoughtful non-government funded charity based behind the cathedral in the Sheffield City Centre.
Soon, the Paradox Orchestra will be running their own events in collaboration with Sheffield Cathedral.
The Archer Project is currently looking to add to its team with a Fundraiser Bid Writer to help with the growth of the organisation.
The role of the Fundraiser Bid Writer will be to help people with fundraising to put forward content in applying for grants.

The charity aims to support people in Sheffield who are experiencing all obstacles in life such as homelessness, mental wellbeing, physical health, housing and people routes into employment, to fulfilling an enjoyable life.
They have a cleaning enterprise called Just Clean and a social enterprise called PrintedByUs – which builds confidence and customer service skills.
The day-to-day life of the project supports people from open to close with hot food and drink, emergency care – the GP and the dentist – and light-hearted.
The project works with both the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University so that students can offer donations to the organisation.
Talya added: “People who volunteer their time to us are a huge asset, people may not have the funds to set up a regular donation or may not have time around their studies, there’s a lot of societies or sports groups that are coming in to volunteer.
“In October, we have a harvest appeal, where we ask people to donate items. We work with the universities too and an Amazon List so people can send us things through that.”

The Archer Project raised over £4,000 during Sheffield Half Marathon where the the CEO took on the Challenge in their sleeping bags.

The deadline for the jobs above 6 May and anyone who wants more information should visit www.archerproject.org.uk