Charity shop ‘blown away’ by worldwide support after receiving horrible letter from residents
A photograph of a handwritten letter addressed to the owner of Kreate.

A charity shop in Beauchief has been overwhelmed with hundreds of online supporters from across the globe after receiving a vile letter from a local neighbourhood watch group.

Kreate, a homeware store, was set up as a sister centre to Work Ltd, a charity which supports adults with learning disabilities.

The letter included lines such as: “A lot of businesses needed by communities have failed and I hope yours does too.”

The author also added: “Soon be countdown for you. Shutters will be permanently down.”

The spelling and punctuation of these excerpts have been corrected for the purpose of this story.

Shop manager, Ruth Denton, posted a photo of the letter on Facebook and within hours the post had gone viral – attracting comments from people as far as the USA.

Chris Wilcox wrote on Facebook: “Ironic that their ridiculous note has given you amazing publicity and awareness – I wish you the best of luck in ignoring such close-minded thinking!”

Another commenter, Steve Rider, wrote: “I hope the horrible person who sent the letter is fuming at how their vile scheme has backfired best wishes to you and keep up the good work.”

The shop, located on Hutcliffe Wood Road, began trading in November 2023 and offers supported retail experience for people with learning disabilities.

Workers there are taught how to use a till, stock shelves and package sold items as party of the charity Work Ltd.

The letter ended with “Residents Unite (Bocking Lane)” and contained many spelling and punctuation errors throughout.

Since the incident, Pathway Church, also on Hutcliffe Wood Road, has sent Kreate a similar style letter – even mocking phrases from the original to express their support.

The kind letter was signed “God Bless You. From your friends at Pathway Church. P.S. The Real Residents are united with you!”

Kreate has since responded on Facebook and said: “We are honestly blown away by the support we are receiving, it is truly incredible.”

Many of the online supporters promised to pay a visit to the shop to show in the coming days.