Sheffield community at ‘unease’ following reports of indecent exposure in Endcliffe Park 
Endcliffe Park entrance sign

Multiple acts of indecent exposure were reported throughout Sheffield, most recently in Endcliffe Park, making residents feel ‘unsafe’ and ‘uncomfortable’. 

The most recent event happened around 4:50 pm on Saturday 1 March, when a man exposed himself and committed a lewd act in front of a 21-year-old woman.

Zeena Al-Obaidi, 32, from Sharrow, an Endcliffe park visitor, said: “It’s shocking, you expect things like that to happen in the dark, but that was in the day.

“It makes me not want to come walking by myself, just in case something like that happens. It makes me feel very nervous.”

The man in the CCTV images was described as white, roughly 55 to 65 years old, around 5 foot 10 inches tall, with a broad build, short white hair, and a white goatee-style beard.

Hannah Wright, 29, from Meersbrook, a dog walker at Endcliffe park, said: “Parks are supposed to be places where you can take a breather and enjoy the views, but if you don’t feel safe, it makes you not want to come out. 

“You feel as though you’re stuck to certain hours in the day, especially if you want to come out at night and you feel like you can’t do that because it’s a risk. It’s unfair.” 

A similar event occurred on Wednesday 25 February, when a man reportedly exposed himself in front of a 21-year-old woman at the West Street University tram stop.

Jamie Feltham, 34, from Sharrow, said that such incidents put him on ‘high alert’ and cause more ‘unease’ than people should be feeling in places like parks, as they don’t know what could be ‘around the corner’. 

PC Sarah Morgan, South Yorkshire Police’s officer in charge of the case, said: “We are aware of numerous similar reports at the same location in recent months and are additionally appealing for anyone with information that could help us identify a suspect to come forward.”

Through the Safer Streets Fund, Sheffield received £993,311 to improve CCTV and Violence against Women and Girls educational programmes, and was to be implemented between October 2023 and March 2025.

CCTV image of a man with white hair in a dark jacket
Credit @ South Yorkshire Police – CCTV image of a man with white hair in a dark jacket